Mar 30, 2022
On todays episode the coaches discuss the CrossFit Quarter Finals workouts. They discuss strategies and what to keep in mind while attacking these workouts. The drop some real gems on this one. Check it out and let us know how the workouts went for you.
Enjoy and good luck!
Mar 23, 2022
Margaux is a long time veteran of the CrossFit Games, having competed 7 times, 6 as an individual and once as part of a team. She also competed in the NBC Titan Games where she was the West Coast Champ. These days she is the owner of The GOAT Wine. A passion project that has been going strong for 4 years now....
Mar 16, 2022
James Fitzgerald is the founder of OPEX and the International Center for Fitness. His 20+ years of experience and service as a strength coach/technician, tireless practice on refining energy system work, nutritional and lifestyle balancing techniques and training of other coaches has made OPEX a sought after method...
Mar 9, 2022
Chad is the owner and founder of Juggernaut Training Systems, as well as being one of the most highly regarded strength coaches and athletes of the modern era. As an athlete, Chad has posted Top 10 All-Time Total in wraps (1055kg/2325#) and sleeves (1010kg/2226#), won 2 National Championships in the Shot Put and earned...
Mar 2, 2022
This weeks episode revolves around how to properly handle volume and intensity during the 3 weeks of the Open to maximize your performance while not undoing all of the hard work you have put into building strength so far this season. The guys have some gems to share on the topic. Enjoy!