Oct 26, 2022
On this weeks episode we welcome Ali Gilbert to the show. Ali is a leader in the field of helping men navigate the confusing landscape of aging and the symptoms that come along with that. Whether its low energy levels, declining cognitive function, low sex drive, or a slump in athletic performance and muscle...
Oct 19, 2022
Ben is a long time athlete and gym owner with a degree in exercise physiology who has leaned into the sport of climbing. He has focused his business on helping the climbing enthusiast train and stay healthy for their time on the mountain. This was a very interesting conversation that we think you will get a lot out...
Oct 12, 2022
How do you select the coach that is going to be the best for you? How do you sift through all of the options out there and determine who is going to vibe with you the best and help you reach all of your fitness and performance goals? This is not an easy question, as there are many many coaches out there with...
Oct 5, 2022
Today we welcome back Director of the CrossFit Games, Adrian Bozman for his second appearance on the podcast. This time our topic of conversation is, unsurprisingly, the 2022 CrossFit Games, where Boz was responsible for programming the entire event for the first time. This was an interesting discussion, we talk a lot...