Jul 28, 2023
Today's episode is the first of our new podcast edition "Conquer Spotlight". Conquer Spotlight is hosted by our very own, Coach Tommy Pomatico. Today, Tommy interviews the captain of the Crossfit Games CrossFit Milford Team Conquer, Tony Facchini! You'll quickly learn that Tony is one of the hardest workers out there....
Jul 19, 2023
Today we have, not only coach Jay and Tommie, but also coach Brad, and the guys are talking about their various experiences coaching at the Games. They are telling stories, and sharing the lessons that they have learned from those times at the Games. Ultimately it has all lead to being a more effective...
Jul 12, 2023
Today we have Coach Jay and Coach Tommie chatting about some of the more recent changes within the Sport of Fitness. And in a broader sense, the guys discuss where they think the CrossFit differs from other sports out there, and more to the point...where they think the sport is going long term.
Jul 5, 2023
Our guest today is Conquer Athlete Coach Brad Giglio. In addition to being an "Individual Design" Coach with us, Brad is also the founder of Apex Nutrition Performance Coaching. Through Apex, Brad has worked with a number of high performing clients, from CEO's, Olympians, Professional Athletes in the NFL and CrossFit...